PI3HVN - 2 meter relay station Heerenveen


The 2 meter relay currently active in Heerenveen is also a member of the RS9044 family. The logic of the RS9160 is similar to the RS9044, only the RF part is VHF. We upgraded this transceiver with an extra receiver for diversity receiving afterwards.


Output frequency:         145.700MHz

Input frequency:            145.100MHz

CTCSS controlled:       82.5Hz

QTH:                           JO32WW

Repeater is carrier operated, but when using CTCSS the squelch will be opened even if your signal is very weak.


The repeater does transmit the CTCSS as well as soon it’s onw squelch is opened! Very usefull in case of burdies in you neighbourhood, you can leave your radio in tone slot.


Check the Relay station Group Heerenveen website: http://www.muntronde.nl/rzghvn/


Listen to the livestream for Winamp, RealPlayer or Mediaplayer.  (Audio Streamed by the BroadWave Streaming Audio Server by NCH Swift Sound Software.)